Discover your cosmology according to ancient wisdom.
​The Aztec Calendar is one of the most accurate calendars of the ancient times.
Understand your personalized cosmology according to the mathematics and wisdom of the Aztecs - keepers of the Sacred Knowledge.
“The mathematical order of the cosmos was also related directly to the body and the energetic system or totonalcayos.”
Sergio Magaña
I provide personlized charts based on your Tonalamatl - the map of your life, and your life cycles according to the cosmology of the Moon.
$90 CAD
This is the map of your life.
It details aspects of both your Tonal (who you are when you are awake), and your Nahual (who you are when you sleep).
You can use the contact form below to provide me with your details for completing your chart(s).
About the Tonalamatl

The Aztec calendar can help give you awareness of who you are when you are awake as well as who you are when you are asleep.
The Tonalamatl is based upon the famous Sunstone, which was carved during Aztec times.
The calendar represents cosmic cycles. It is an accurate record of long counts of the cosmos (26,500 years) all the way to cycles of the year, the months and the days.
The calendar divides the year into 18 groups of 20 days each as opposed to the modern day calendar which divides the year into 12 goups of 30 or 31 days.
Each of the 18 groups corresponds to specific energies and essences which 'rule' this time period.
As well, the 20 days within each of the 18 groups are also ruled by a specific energy or essence.

Depending on our birth date, we are born under the ruling of specific energies and essences which define our personality, our character, our challenges and our talents.
Sun Stone, at National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, Mexico

Some of these traits may be dormant potentials within us while others might be in full expression.
By understanding our Tonalamatl we gain greater awareness of who we are and what our potentials and challenges are.
About Moon Astrology

We depend on the Sun's energy for life.
The amount of solar energy we receive has a direct effect on biologically and energetically.
Depending on the phase of the Moon we receive more or less of the Sun's energy.
For instance, during a New Moon, the Moon is blocking a percentage of the solar energy coming to the Earth. While during a Full Moon, the Moon is not blocking any of the solar energy coming to the Earth.

Waning Moon
Decreasing amount of solar energy reaching Earth
New Moon
Least amount of
solar energy reaching Earth

Full Moon
Greatest amount of
solar energy reaching Earth
Waxing Moon
Increasing amount of solar energy reaching Earth
Like the cycles of the month in a 28 day period, we also go through cycles in our life.
Your Moon astrology chart will show you what your energetic cycles are from the moment of your birth onward.
Moon as seen from Earth

Full Moon

Waning Moon

New Moon

Waxing Moon
Your Moon astrology chart will show you what your energetic cycles are from the moment of your birth onward.
This can help you to work with your natural rhythms, creating more harmony, balance and flow in your life.

"The mathematical order of the cosmos was also related directly to the body and the energetic system or totonalcayos."
Sergio Magaña